
Aptoswap is a unified swap platform powered by APTOS blockchain.

Aptoswap aims to become the fundamental swap infrastructure in APTOS. The backend engine of Aptoswap protocol is powered by the smart contracts developed by Vivid Network Team written in move language.


๐Ÿ’ก Features

1. High Liquidity Provider Fee Rewards

Aptoswap takes a 0.3% trading fee from users that swap assets on Aptoswap. The LPs (liquidity providers) on Aptoswap will be rewarded by base liquidity reward fee and incentive boost fee.

  • Base liquidity reward fee: Aptoswap platform gives 0.27% trading fee as based liquidity fee rewards to the LPs. The base liquidity fee will remain unchanged when the pool is created.

  • Incentive boost fee: For newly created pools, Aptoswap platform gives additional incentive fee that ranges from 0.01% to 0.03% as additional fee rewards to the LPs. The incentive reward fee will progressively decrease to zero based on the creation time of the pool.

Thus, the liquidity providers on Aptoswap could get a maximum of 0.3% with base fee rewards with an additional incentive boost fee. Even when the incentive rewards are drained out, the liquidity providers still could get 0.27% base fee rewards.

The higher liquidity fee rewards setting allows Aptoswap to provide a much higher APR compared to other swap platforms. For example, liquidity providers could get 20% APR boost with incentive fee reward and 8% APR boost without incentive fee reward compared to a general 0.25% liquidity fee reward setting.

2. Connect Everywhere to Boost

Aptoswap will try its best to bring more trading opportunity to the pool.

Our goal is to bring the basic swap infrastructure and make connections to all other aggregators, CLOBs, wallets as well as cross-chain applications.

We've already supported Petra, Martian, Fewcha wallets, Celer Network token bridges and Hippo aggregator.

We will continue our integration roadmap to help our liquidity providers for boosting their rewards.


  • Aptoswap: The website and app for Aptoswap.
  • Smart Contract: The smart contract written in MOVE for Aptoswap.
  • SDK: The typescript SDK for Aptoswap.

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